To being with, Merry Christmas! I set down to catch up a bit on stack between meals with the Family.

To a degree, our paths are similar. Four years ago I was already at the point where I did not trust much of what was around us, but the remaining intellectual and emotional hesitations disappeared. Things occurred which fundamentally made it impossible to deny the structure and purpose of the system.. which is often instead blamed on corruption or something being broken. ( public school being broken vs working as intended with a altered perception)

Nothing mainstream believes is true, i.e. mass society. What a remarkable statement, is it not? It seems fantastic, like a conspiracy conjured by the mind of a paranoid. You have done thousands of hours of research.. know at least this much.. the statement I said is demonstrably true to anyone who has performed an honest intellectual assessment. The system functions as designed.

It creates levels of disinformation and obfuscation as you mentioned, so much so it is hard to tell what is true. This is why I remain agnostic towards most information. Information overload and manipulative uncertainty are hallmarks of the social engineering apparatus. Real dissent and truth becomes whispers among the ruckus of the hyperreality.

As you mentioned, some may be get it intellectually, but are emotionally unprepared. Our own psychological defense mechanisms protect the truth of the system by triggering denial. People would rather be comfortable and hold on to at least a bit of "certainty" ( as you implied) by maintaining the lie and ignoring the flags.

People are watching for Orwell and the dictator on the screen.. but tyranny has already evolved. Orwell is in the past and our current incarnation makes 1984 look like a starter kit for the novice. People cannot see what they cannot imagine.

Welcome to OZ fellow traveler, for you and I both see the man behind the curtain as well as the cowardly lion. ( mass society)

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Amazingly well said: I always admire your clarity of expression, and suggest anyone reading this go to Apothecary's stack. Yes, it's all working as intended. I still like 'corruption' as a blanket term to summarise it all!

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Thank you for the kind words. Well, it does all begin with corruption, especially that of the heart. Have a blessed Christmas!

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Some of us, the ones with enough wild genes to have resisted and survived as weeds cracking the concrete of mass insanity, living with uncertainty has become a way of life. Accepting skepticism and doubt as daily mental routines, without becoming paralyzed, can be a challenge, but an essential part of recognizing our limited intellect and binding mortality. Yes, our Overton windows have become peepholes as the realization that most people are planted seeds, sprouting row by row in endless uniformity where our current mechanisms of civilization have chose to fertilize them; but perhaps this was always the reality hidden by the superficial similarities of our species, —there are predatory Komodo lizards out there!

<Blustering Winter>

24 Dec 2023

თბილისი, საქართველო

Tbilisi, Sakartvelo

A little bit of hormetic stress,

Mind's deep prejudices will undress.

Out of heart's confort zone,

Changes brain to the bone, —

As new impressions on dull soul press.

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