Humility can be Ludicrous
I believe simple deduction allows ‘truthers’ to hold a certain moral high ground. If you fought against human rights being anything other than intrinsic. If you spoke out against forced medical experimentation. If you did not discriminate against or bully your fellow man. If you are not a denier of the covid holocaust. If you speak truth to power, rather than cower from it. If you made any mistakes under pressure but loudly admit them. If your held beliefs and comforts do not come at the expense of others, nor rely on disrespect, ignorance and abuse in order to be maintained. If you did not outsource your information and decision making to psychopaths, nor act like one yourself. In all these, and many more scenarios, I believe we all should recognize the dramatic ‘wrongness’ of one path vs another. This need not be Egotistical. As I have written before, there must be a place for shame on the path to improvement.
The war on Humans flares up
It has been a long 4 years since I, and presumably you readers, were excluded from the cool group. During that time, we were treated as sub-human, slandered and scapegoated, censored, blamed for all kinds of absurdities, disrespected, lied to, coerced, isolated, abused. We had all been on a learning journey before this, but the dynamics of the journey changed dramatically. A simmering war many of us knew nothing about had flared up, and we were thrust into the middle of it.
For myself, there was an urgency to gaining understanding now. Learning while my foundations of understanding about other humans, systems and oneself are being overthrown was painful and confronting. Yet there was joy involved also. The satisfaction of having new understandings explain the world more robustly. The comfort of the few genuine relationships in which you are not compelled to defend yourself or objective reality with every sentence, either said or unsaid. The delightful intellectual forays and humorous skewering of the new absurdities traversing the globe. The only truth such forays yielded was uncertainty in all things.
Uncertainty is the only truth?
Not entirely true. Force is the only truth, upon which we impose all the layers of civilization, including Laws and Language or a personified God. Thankfully, civilization is only regressing from a peak at present, so most of us still have the opportunity to seek more nuanced truths above that base layer.
Thousands of hours into such a search, I find myself claiming to be somewhat of an expert on corruption. Or at least on the way to becoming one. Unexpectedly, my efforts have led me to be less sure of just about everything. As I learn about the vast resources being invested into confusing regular people, I have had to grow comfortable with higher levels of uncertainty. Conspiracies and mental warfare tools are demonstrably extremely common, which necessitates abundant lies and obfuscation.
Data cannot be trusted, indoctrination is more successful than we, the indoctrinated will ever know, chaos agents are probably the most common sources third party information (even in alternate media), there are profoundly more forces acting to confuse us than educate us, and so on. I cannot even currently dismiss that we are ruled by Lizard People harvesting Loosh, as this explanation is still more predictive of the world than my versions of 4 years ago!
It is hence useful to phrase the efforts of those ‘fighting’ the new world order as:
Reframing the boundaries about which we are uncertain.
For Example: If you are certain vaccines save lives, then that is a conviction we can easily shake. However, doing so requires that we also shake your certainty around science, your doctor, your morality, your government, your fellow man, your past, your future. All of this is intellectually possible with a surprisingly large number of people. It is emotionally possible with far fewer people.
It follows, therefore, that valuable work for humanity is to improve people’s tolerance of, and emotional response to uncertainty.
The Overton Window
One of the key indicators of such improvement is the ‘Overton Window’ - the shared understanding of where the acceptable parameters lie on various topics of discussion. While I think this window can be also too wide, perhaps a sufficiently broad personal range of acceptable discourse is all that defines the Awake?
Working on the collective Overton Window - as I claim to have been doing as a ‘Citizen Journalist’ is a rough path. It involves spending time and energy assessing an infinite parade of alleged threats, claims and counterclaims. It involves deliberately not spending time on the endless requirement of assessing new information, whenever this would exceed our personal limits. It involves being comfortable with uncertainty, if we are not to diminish ourselves.
Thanks to you all for sharing the journey of uncertainty with me, at what I feel is the edge of an artificially narrow Overton Window.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
To being with, Merry Christmas! I set down to catch up a bit on stack between meals with the Family.
To a degree, our paths are similar. Four years ago I was already at the point where I did not trust much of what was around us, but the remaining intellectual and emotional hesitations disappeared. Things occurred which fundamentally made it impossible to deny the structure and purpose of the system.. which is often instead blamed on corruption or something being broken. ( public school being broken vs working as intended with a altered perception)
Nothing mainstream believes is true, i.e. mass society. What a remarkable statement, is it not? It seems fantastic, like a conspiracy conjured by the mind of a paranoid. You have done thousands of hours of research.. know at least this much.. the statement I said is demonstrably true to anyone who has performed an honest intellectual assessment. The system functions as designed.
It creates levels of disinformation and obfuscation as you mentioned, so much so it is hard to tell what is true. This is why I remain agnostic towards most information. Information overload and manipulative uncertainty are hallmarks of the social engineering apparatus. Real dissent and truth becomes whispers among the ruckus of the hyperreality.
As you mentioned, some may be get it intellectually, but are emotionally unprepared. Our own psychological defense mechanisms protect the truth of the system by triggering denial. People would rather be comfortable and hold on to at least a bit of "certainty" ( as you implied) by maintaining the lie and ignoring the flags.
People are watching for Orwell and the dictator on the screen.. but tyranny has already evolved. Orwell is in the past and our current incarnation makes 1984 look like a starter kit for the novice. People cannot see what they cannot imagine.
Welcome to OZ fellow traveler, for you and I both see the man behind the curtain as well as the cowardly lion. ( mass society)
Some of us, the ones with enough wild genes to have resisted and survived as weeds cracking the concrete of mass insanity, living with uncertainty has become a way of life. Accepting skepticism and doubt as daily mental routines, without becoming paralyzed, can be a challenge, but an essential part of recognizing our limited intellect and binding mortality. Yes, our Overton windows have become peepholes as the realization that most people are planted seeds, sprouting row by row in endless uniformity where our current mechanisms of civilization have chose to fertilize them; but perhaps this was always the reality hidden by the superficial similarities of our species, —there are predatory Komodo lizards out there!
<Blustering Winter>
24 Dec 2023
თბილისი, საქართველო
Tbilisi, Sakartvelo
A little bit of hormetic stress,
Mind's deep prejudices will undress.
Out of heart's confort zone,
Changes brain to the bone, —
As new impressions on dull soul press.