False Claims are Useful
The 4th October was supposed to be the day that the 5G frequencies trigger the nanotechnology in vaccinated blood to release deadly pathogens. Though the claims had close to zero credibility, I have given it a bit of time/energy to see if any signals of this appear: I have found none. What is far more robust is the understanding that 5G is a dangerous technology for human health, as are the Covid Jabs.
This article is not really about the 5G claim. What is more interesting to me is that a highly respected public figure organised this effort to use the zombie apocalypse claim to find the source, and highlight dishonest actors:
But then after, presumably, the zombie apocalypse did not eventuate ….. crickets. Not a peep. Did we triangulate fraudsters? Did anyone predict correctly? Is anyone thinking about where this claim came from, who profited? Is this a smoking gun of chaos agents deliberately obfuscating truth with absurdity?
For those who do not know about the claim, here is a source that at least collated a few links:
What is the truth here?
Secret Technologies and Chaos Agents
This post has a lot of elements I've been thinking about. Perhaps you could also turn your inquiring mind thusly:
- The story goes that when the U.S.A initially had the bomb with no competition, there was a huge push to use it fast and hard to gain world control and avoid the cold war, which many predicted.
- The quantum computing or AI singularities make sense. First to reach the mountain owns the mountain forever.
- The known operations of civilian experimentation are just the pieces we regular citizens can glean amongst trillions of missing expenditure and trillions of known expenditure on secret military tech, which includes mind control, slave soldiers, transhumans, genetic individually targeted killing methods, etc. If this sounds incredible, please see this list to see how absolutely amazing it would be if trillions of dollars were not currently being spent on such things in secret.
- All this together means that the recent, rushed, more open global power play where a lot of us saw a lot of cards they are holding could have been a push for a lot more than control of political power or wealth. It could have been what I call the 'slave soldier singularity'. First to jab billions of people has billions of potential soldiers, accrues the DNA database, and controls, completely, the foreseeable future. There are no prizes for second.
If true, depopulation, deaths, fraud, trillions wasted, legal systems overthrown, global lockstep, CBDC's, social credit systems all would be in the ‘acceptable costs’ category.
As would sowing absolute chaos amongst ordinary citizens (in this case, enemy combatants) who would attempt to discern the truth. Remember the Sage Hana reference above you didn’t click on? Well here is that same author in the context of being accused as an attack vector on Matthew Crawford, famous for being the most vocal about U.S. Department of Defence crimes as they were being committed.
See how easy it is to get distracted by the inevitable lack of trust in people. Yet who is a chaos agent is a far less relevant question than “Did the U.S. Department of Defence experiment on billions of people, including their own soldiers, then cover it up?” Matthew Crawford (and Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt, and Meryl Nass, and many more) present compelling evidence that this is the case. It is their evidence, not their motivations or their personalities, which I care about.
I cannot point you toward a verifiable truth about a zombie apocalypes. I hope to have pointed out that Chaos Agents, and sowing discord are definitely a huge barrier for we citizen journalists in identifying truth, or genuine risks. I think the claims of a 5G zombie apocalypse were a ploy to, at the very least, distract from the swathe of jab injuries, and the subsequent implications that the U.S. military has surpassed all it’s previous war crimes with this one. Such a ploy offers learning opportunities for we regular people, though this particular one now has little interest, even among those who promised to investigate further.
I hope also to point out the likelihood that a lot of the disinformation operations can be traced back to the three letter organisations who can afford to, and have the motive to invest in them.
I also continue my speculation that there was a technological motivator to the Covid Crimes which we are mostly unaware of, which has satisfying predictive power - which would explain a lot regarding the anomalies in Covid jabs, the fraud and secrecy around their production, contracts and distribution, the global lockstep in population control operations, the efforts on censorship and disinformation, and the death and injury around the Covid jabs.
My hope is that all this reinforces the thanks we owe to those honest actors who are investigating the vast array of crimes being committed, with fraudulent claims being perhaps the least of them.
Good article. I suspect you spot on with this:
"I think the claims of a 5G zombie apocalypse were a ploy to, at the very least, distract from the swathe of jab injuries.."
The damage from the vaccines are here to stay and are only going to get worse as it plays out in time. If they get people to pay attention to other things they won't see all the oddities around them like excess deaths. I may write about this some in a future essay.
I'm taking the Fox Mulder approach to everyone with a 'name' in the MFM: Trust No One.