“I find it hard to escape the conclusion that people are, in general, becoming increasingly more stupider.” Robyn Chuter
(emphasis and deliberate misquote my own, chortle chortle.)
Let’s look at some ways in which people are becoming, specifically, more stupider.
First, how might it be happening?
Vaccine injury.
Key mechanism 1 = inflammation and toxicity in the brain following heavy metal poisoning after the childhood vaccine schedule.
Key Mechanism 2 = Prion damage after the MRNA jabs
Education. Limiting autonomy and critical faculties in favour of obedience, procedural bias and system integration.
Environmental toxins. Not something I want to spend time on here, but very important. Hence just a few of my favourite examples - Lead, Glyphosates, Pharmaceuticals, EMF.
Key mechanism 1 - voluntary outsourcing of human intelligence to technological assistance, such as outsourcing one’s memory to a mobile phone.
Key mechanism 2 - social media and other algorithms designed to keep humans in a state of emotion, limiting concentration, introspection, linking of ideas, curiosity, empathy, critical thinking
Censorship, controlled narratives, psychological warfare, social pressure and propaganda.
Key mechanism 1 - A war on independent intelligence has clearly been ongoing for a century or more.
Key mechanism 2 - A campaign of fear and persecution has left institutions bereft of courage, individuals without systems of collaboration and self-censoring as the norm.
Second, Is it actually happening?
Definitely yes, if we look at easy measures such as attention spans.
Almost certainly yes if we view everyone on the planet as victims of psychological Warfare.
Heart wrenchingly, yes if we look at covid jab injuries, but perhaps not in all recipients.
For myself, the Psy. Ops. and covid jab mechanisms are the most interesting. They are the two variables which changed the most prior to the people I know seemingly changing their behaviours and cognitive patterns.
I began exploring this from the context of domestication of humans here. There is a strong argument that humans have been getting stupider, and a related argument that this accelerated with the Covid jabs and psychological warfare of Convid. So far, the best evidence is anecdotal. In my opinion, this should be considered a robust form of evidence, given the failings of ‘science’. Plus, anecdotal evidence of stupidity is everywhere.
A lesser form of evidence might be circumstantial, correlations without causative links, or speculations, some of which can be found here:
Third, How might we experience it, and deal with it?
Perhaps a question which would lead to greater happiness is regarding our loved ones - Do we start treating them as injured, and stop expecting the same qualities which made us love them? Is it really no longer possible for them to critically think or recall clearly or show compassion or empathy the way they used to? Would getting mad at them for being disrespectful, callous or rude, as I often do, be the same as getting mad at an infant or autistic adult? Should we lower our expectations?
I think we might have to. I hypothesize that we are in the post-post-truth era now. Not that we were ever in an age of truth, just that the expectation of inching towards it is gone, poof. There is no one left to argue with. We are now in the era of emotions. How you feel about the people documenting a genocide is more important than addressing the genocide, or presenting intellectually honest counterclaims to those of genocide.
Fourth, Am I also getting stupider? Am I the only one getting stupider?
I will say this, it does not feel this way in the slightest. I feel like I am thinking, speaking, writing, reading, summarising, synthesising better than I ever have. I suspect that this is the focus which only existential threats can elicit. If I have only a year or two left with my freedom of expression and sovereignty, then I intend spending time with it!
I do tend to scoff at all this being in my own head, the same way I see others scoff at their own biases being anything other than irrefutable truths. We who believe we have joined a group of free thinkers who resisted atrocities have to admit that we also might have ‘formed a mass’ - that is, been experiencing trauma and sought the comfort of a group, at the expense of thinking clearly.
With that recognized, it is still unlikely that I am losing a stupidity battle versus:-
“How can the vaccine be killing people, when I took it am I’m not dead?”
We are all getting more stupider, but not all at the same rate. Some are getting more stupider faster, though it is unclear which mechanisms are contributing most to this trend. The covid jabs certainly have a well documented mechanism for how they might cause their victims to be ‘stupider’ following an injection, and we have strong anecdotal evidence that this has been the experience of many people. The implications of this are dramatic for our interpersonal relationships, our fight to expose complex truths, and our perspectives on the world as we know it.
What is also clear is that the increased net bullsh*t present in the world is ‘dragging the rest of us down to their level and beating us with experience’.
these dumbarsery memes just in...Transcriber B's 'Time Out for Mask Memes'
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
― George Carlin