I just been at the inaugural conference of Australians for Science and Freedom. Fabulous speakers, inescapable conclusions. Weโ€™re in trouble. More to come as I process it.

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- well said Shane ๐Ÿ‘

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I tend to agree with James Corbett that we're already in WWIII, and we have been for some time. Corbett has pointed out that each major war is totally different from the previous one, which is why we don't realise we're already embrolied in a world war. This time around, the governments of the world (or the puppets who presume to govern us) have declared war on us.

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Agreed. The heading should have been 'Precursors to a Kinetic/Hot World War'. As in, the current one escalates from bioweapons and psychological operations to the more recognisable global mobilisation of troops and machinery.

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