Hello comrades! By now it has become abundantly clear that there are a lot of victims in the world. You know, people killed and injured by vaccines, kids ruined by masking, economies ruined to facilitate theft, people abused by friends and family for having principles, yada yada. This would all be perfectly fine, except we cannot just go around acknowledging our own role in this, can we? And the ‘we are all baffled’, or ‘honest mistakes were made’ deflections were only ever short term solutions. Unfortunately, this means that many of you are going to have to summon the courage to become a victim yourselves. Here’s our beginners guide:
If a genuine victim of all these crimes tries to speak to you, you could try all the traditional methods of disrespect - Ignore them, interrupt them, turn the conversation to your own feelings. If that doesn’t work, try speculating that their desire to discuss the most interesting scam in the history of the planet must stem from childhood trauma, or some sort of mental instability.
Try to keep everything as an opinion. That way you can never be wrong. This is harder than it looks. Some people will try to share third party opinions, data, deductions or rationalizations with you. In this case, you must fight to never learn or understand the third party opinions - down that path leads to honest discussion and away from blame, drama, feelings. Sometimes you will need to avoid expressing an opinion at all. The best way to do this is to gaslight by saying wildly conflicting opinions. That way, no matter what, you can always turn the conversation to the other person disrespecting one of your opinions by daring to challenge it. Voila - you are now a victim of ‘not being allowed to have an opinion’
Always push the other person to be accountable for all things. Even things wildly out of their control like global tyranny. Conversely, you are not accountable for anything you say or do - that is always someone else forcing you to do it. It takes some herculean cognitive dissonance to maintain such hypocrisy, so be prepared to hurt the ones you love repeatedly, but remember this about constantly being a victim: it’s worth it to never have to self reflect, which is a little bit uncomfortable.
Turn everything to be about you. Make sure you never bend this rule, no matter how much it seems to be about much more than your wants. Billions injured in a global genocide? The main issue there is how awful you felt if anyone talks to you about it. A loved one abandoned by everyone they trusted? The main issue there is how it affects your lifestyle. Is someone trying to be selfless and care for people other than you? Accuse them of having no empathy - Can’t they see you exist as well? Did you do some awful things and deny doing them, but people insist on being hurt by them? How dare they! Remind them that criticisms are always wrong. Some loved ones may feel manipulated and defensive if this goes on for a long time. This is great. Any change in their behaviour will provide you with new ammunition, so the cycle need never end.
Never take any communication as intended. If someone talks about something specific, generalise. If someone tries to talk about a general concept, take it personally. If someone tries to talk about you personally, turn it into a generalisation. If someone uses an analogy, take it literally. If someone uses unmistakably clear and simple terms, misunderstand them.
Always, always immediately turn any accusation against your accuser, no matter how ridiculous it gets. Eg.
“you avoid issues by projecting” ..
“No, You avoid issues by projecting!”
Never write anything down or reference anything. Down that path lies potential accountability.
Cherish your delusions. Those of you able to still believe the covid crimes saved lives will understand.
Victims often thank people, but you do not have this luxury. Do not, under any circumstances, thank those who tried to warn you, or who worked tirelessly to minimise the extent of these crimes. Instead, treat their warnings as simple rudeness, treat their accuracy and discernment as a character flaw.
Maintain steps one through nine while denying the existence of any real victims. Try pointing to your own good health to callously disregard hundreds of millions of others not so fortunate. This will of course only work until you yourself get, say, aggressive cancer, then you will be a real victim. Spend some time being ‘baffled’ or attributing this to ‘long covid’ so that you do not access any real hopes for proper treatment.
Never think of the implications of anything you do chance to learn. Someone else will sort it out, surely! This will keep you a victim forever, and will afford the same opportunities to your kids
Robyn Chuter: https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/how-to-sharpen-your-bullsht-detection
Wise advice, Shane. And btw, thanks for coming to my defense on my stack. I ended up changing my mind about some things in that comment thread, and I think some others did too. But not, I think, the person who gave the initial knee-jerk reaction, as you aptly pointed out.