Lifer in pharmaceutical R&D in big pharma as well as biotech. A biology PhD. Fighting medical tyranny.
I’ve been speaking out pro bono since spring 2020.
Please see also my Telegram Account
I write about things which move me, with the intent of personal catharsis and public edification. While many things are directed towards my children, I hope the reader can find something useful for their own path.
Updates and spotlights on the List of Transcriptions (2021-2023) by Transcriber B. I make no apologies for bias. This is part of the historical record.
Emerging ideas on consciousness, current events, science, solutions & more – birthing a new planetary consciousness. Explore how our current paradigms shape our society.
The Kingston Report is an evidence-based, med-legal analysis of mRNA technologies, vaccine, and the dangers of the rapidly growing synthetic biology industry.
The Australian government (federal, state, local) committed democide and torture during 'covid zero' and beyond. Essays of non-compliance, society & history. 100% independent and reader-funded in Perth, Western Australia.
The events of my life after my partner and I refused to be injected and became covid refugees in the time of the great reset. The 'reset' became the kick that opened us to the Spirit of the Universe and to 'trust-fall' into appropriate eccentric action.
Uncovering Fraud in Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing. By popular demand, I will include my art pieces that have nothing to do with Pharma. If you are interested in my art, visit
A woman's pov on Global Economics, Geopolitics, Psyops & Propaganda, Spirituality, A Course in Miracles, Community Sovereignty. Author of How to Dismantle an Empire.
Wide ranging, with all the traits of genuine inquiry.
All the latest news to help expose the narrative. I also write articles on a range of interesting topics including Covid, Politics, Finance, Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Technology and Ancient Mysteries.
Dead people don't lie. Governments always do. Empirical analysis of mortality and climate data (mainly) to demonstrate the truth about COVID, vaccinations and other public health interventions, and climate crisis lies.
I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
Striving for truth and transparency in science and medicine.
Posts should be considered public interest disclosures in relevant jurisdictions.
All comment sections are open so if you see a scientific or factual error please comment.
Unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs by examining media narratives, propaganda, psychology, framing, philosophy, history, politics, language, literature, film, music, culture, and health with a focus on COVID.